Govt. Khawzawl College which was established in the year 1985 has come a long way in imparting education to those in and around its locality. The main objective of the college and the main reason behind its set up is to provide higher education especially to those youth of the rural areas who could not avail facilities of higher education in other educationally advanced places. Govt. Khawzawl College has thus been able to welcome and impart education to this type of students who economically and financially struggle. Their quest for knowledge and their zeal and passion for acquiring higher studies despite various hardship and setbacks have been met with by the college. The college provides assistance to the students by providing study material such as books, hand-outs, financial assistance etc., thereby lightening their burden and at the same time instilling in them the essence and ethos of purpose of life. To inculcate discipline, team spirit and accountability and above all to preserve and stripe for success against all odds.
ECO FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT CAMPUS: It aims to provide efficient knowledge on proctecting and improvement of environment. Global Warming occurs due to the degradation of environment. The level of sea is also higher gradually because of the degradation of environment. The propaganda of environment protection becomes one of the current essential human activities. A healthy environment provides fertile land, healthy and hygienic food, clean and fresh air, water, green plants improves environment and clean place protect the degradation of environment. It inspires the students’ awareness on the plantation of trees, values of ecological balance, cleanliness surroundings and effects of global warming, depletion of Ozone layer hazardous forest emitted for urbanisation. To acknowledge the international incumbency on protection of environment, the institution initiates to share as far as possible for enhancement of the global ecological balance and a mission of hazardous gases from any sources at a minimal stage. The institution is conscious of the essentiality of a healthy environment. The institution desires to initiates every essentiality for protection of environment. The institution provides some basic and
indispensible awareness to the locality through the activities of the college. The institution initiates every essentiality to protect and improve environment
in its juriction. The main vision of the institution is highlighted as below:
1. To keep green, neat and clean the unused surface of land.
2. To grow and preserve trees, plants and flowers.
3. To conduct Swachh Bharat.
4. To take observation of former plants.
5. To keep clean the college campus.
6.Counselling on depletion of Ozone Layer, Global warming, natural resources (Renewable and non renewable) effect of deforestation including jhum cultivation, ecological balance extinction of species, pollutions of air, water, noise, etc,. The institution preserved evergreen campus which produce fresh air, control the warming temperature. The campus atmosphere is very hygienic and healthy. The campus is totally free from hazardous pollution in any form and high temperature throughout the year.